
Gain a competitive edge in nearly any industry with a 德国 bachelor’s degree in 语言 and literature at 韦德体育app官网.

掌握另一门语言对任何职业都有独特的促进作用, 从通信和市场营销到工程和医学. Speaking more than one 语言 can not only make you a more effective communicator in the workplace, 但它也有可能帮助你赚更多钱, 根据….S. 新闻 & 世界报道. Gain 语言 and communication skills 和更多的 at Oakland through our 文学学士 in 德国语言文学 program. The undergraduate coursework features a challenging curriculum that will help you learn transferable job skills you can easily apply to any number of careers.

掌握另一门语言对任何职业都有独特的促进作用, 从通信和市场营销到工程和医学. Speaking more than one 语言 can not only make you a more effective communicator in the workplace, 但它也有可能帮助你赚更多钱, 根据….S. 新闻 & 世界报道. Gain 语言 and communication skills 和更多的 at Oakland through our 文学学士 in 德国语言文学 program. The undergraduate coursework features a challenging curriculum that will help you learn transferable job skills you can easily apply to any number of careers.


在奥克兰, our undergraduate 德国 degree program teaches you to apply skills, 语言, and cultural knowledge in the real world through a variety of opportunities. 其中包括出国留学, 课堂话语, 文学评论, 以及其他关注当代主题的作业.Throughout our bachelor’s degree program in 德国 语言 and literature, 你不仅会获得新的文化视角, but also develop highly sought-after job skills that will help you excel personally and professionally. 这包括解决问题的能力, 批判性地分析和综合信息, use 语言 as a valuable tool to enhance your future job opportunities, 和其他人.


  • 出国留学的机会. 在奥克兰主修德语和文学, you’ll have the opportunity to gain hands-on learning experiences through study abroad while working toward your 德国 bachelor’s degree. 例如, a one-semester exchange program at the University of Oldenburg allows undergraduate students to learn with native 德国 speakers and live on campus in a dorm. 这就提供了一种完全沉浸式的体验, which is different from typical international exchange programs offered at other colleges and universities.
  • 知识渊博的老师. 在奥克兰, 您的德语课由敬业的老师教授, 全职教授会了解你, 你的兴趣, 还有你的才华. This allows them to tailor their teaching styles and class offerings to your needs. Not only are our professors experts in 德国 literature and beyond, 但他们也毕业于一流的教学项目, 包括圣路易斯华盛顿大学等机构. 路易斯和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校. This brings tried and true teaching methods and first-hand knowledge to our classrooms.
  • 学术的选项. In addition to the 德国 语言 and literature bachelor’s degree option, we offer a 修改主修德语 适用于主修或辅修工程等专业的学生, 阀杆, 通信, 业务, 人文学科, 和语言学. The Modified Major program enables you to graduate faster than average with a dual 德国 degree and another area of study with just 24 credits at the upper level toward the second degree.
  • 活跃课外活动. Earning your undergraduate 德国 degree in 语言 and literature doesn’t have to be all about studying. You can join other 德国 majors in several groups and events on campus, 包括每周的德语对话时间, 德国俱乐部, 修改后的主要推广活动, 留学信息会, 和更多的.


Fluency in more than one 语言 can enhance your job marketability and give you an edge in just about any career. 在密歇根, 例如, 业务es and organizations in the engineering field are constantly in search of engineers with advanced 德国 语言 skills so they may work abroad. 通常,公司也会为这些课程付费. Fluency in 德国 is also becoming more critical in other 阀杆 fields and medicine. These are just a few examples of what can you do with a 德国 degree.

语言技能也可以帮助你为研究生学习做准备. 研究生s of Oakland’s 德国 degree in 语言 and literature have been admitted into top-tier graduate schools such as Washington University in St. 路易, 田纳西大学, 密歇根大学安娜堡分校, 以及柏林洪堡大学. Those who have gone into the workforce after graduation now hold jobs in a wide range of career fields, 包括:

  • 法律
  • 市场营销
  • 全球人文
  • 汽车


As a 德国 major at Oakland, your bachelor’s degree can be whatever you’d like to make of it. 除了必修的本科课程, we have a wide array of electives that complement our 德国 语言 and lit major. 例如, 你可以在形式推理中探索主题, 全球的视角, 自然科学, 或技术.

Your 德国 bachelor’s degree courses will go beyond 语言 studies to take a critical look at the most current cultural and political discourses of mainstream media in 德国-speaking countries. 例如, Advanced 德国 Conversation delves into 12 contemporary topics concerning 德国 culture, 包括难民危机, 像柏林这样的大城市的中产阶级化, 贫困, 以及环境运动.

Other courses you’ll take to earn a bachelor’s in 德国 degree include:

  • 德国文学中的伟大作品
  • 德国的作文
  • 德国文化
  • 欧洲文学

如果你对在线德语学位课程感兴趣, the bachelor’s degree in 德国 语言 and literature at Oakland may be able to meet your needs. Some of our general education and elective courses are available online.

文学学士 in 德国语言文学 Program 资源


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Check out these other undergraduate degree programs and contact our admissions team if you have any questions or need more information.